Italian Adjectives That Start With M: A Complete List

The Italian language has several adjectives that begin with the letter “M”. For this article, we have identified sixty three.

Keep reading for the full list of adjectives, in alphabetical order, as well as their meanings and examples of their usage.

  • Macchinoso (complex / complicated / convoluted)

The Italian adjective macchinoso is used for a process which is unnecessarily complicated or intricate. Macchinoso often implies that there could be an easier or more efficient way of doing something.

Il processo di iscrizione e’ troppo macchinoso e quindi ci ho rinunciato

The application process is too complicated and so I gave up
  • Macedone (from Macedonia)

L’ armata macedone aveva una tattica eccellente

The Macedonian army had excellent tactics
  • Maestoso (majestic)

La reggia di Caserta e’ molto maestosa

The Palace of Caserta is very majestic
Caserta Palace
Palace of Caserta. Photo by tirex22
  • Maggiore (major / higher)

Ha quattro sorelle maggiori

He/ she has four older sisters
  • Magico (magical)

E’ stato un momento magico

It was a magical moment
  • Magnetico (magnetic)

Questa punta del trapano e’ magnetica

This drill bit is magnetic
  • Magnifico (magnificent, marvellous, wonderful)

Che notizia magnifica!

What wonderful news!
  • Magro (skinny, lean, thin)

Il cane era molto magro quando l’ abbiamo trovato

The dog was very thin when we found it
  • Malato (sick/ ill)

Questi alberi sono malati a causa di un parassita molto comune

These trees are sick because of a very common parasite
  • Malvagio (wicked)

Era un uomo malvagio

He was a wicked man
  • Manipolatorio (manipulative)

Questo e’ un comportamento manipolatorio

This is manipulative behaviour
  • Manuale (manual)

Era stanco di fare lavori manuali

He was tired of doing manual jobs
Picture of man cleaning a car
Photo by DariuszSankowski
  • Marcio (rotten)

Le arance sono diventate marce

The oranges have become rotten
  • Marginale (marginal)

Il costo marginale e’ un concetto importante in economia

Marginal cost is an important concept in economics
  • Marittimo (maritime)

In questo paese c’e’ piu’ traffico marittimo d’ estate

In this town there is more maritime traffic in the summer
  • Marrone (brown)

Ho comprato delle scarpe marroni

I bought some brown shoes
  • Maschile (masculine)

Questo profumo mi sembra molto maschile

This fragrance seems very masculine to me
  • Massiccio (large, stocky)

Lui ha investito in modo massiccio nella sua casa

He invested heavily in his house

Note: the literal translation of this Italian sentence is “he invested in a heavy way in his house”. The Italian “in modo massiccio” is a set expression which translates to English as “heavily”.

  • Matematico (mathematical)

Non ho una mente molto matematica

I’m not very mathematically inclined
  • Mattiniero (someone who likes to get up early)

Gli anziani sono piu’ mattinieri dei giovani

The elderly get up earlier than young people

Note: the literal translation of this Italian sentence is “the elderly are more early risers than the young people”

  • Matto (crazy/ mad)

Siete matti?

Are you crazy? (plural)
  • Maturo (mature)

E’ una ragazza molto matura

She’s a very mature girl
  • Mediocre (mediocre)

La sua performance e’ mediocre

His performance is mediocre
  • Medio (average, in-between)

Il salario medio e’ abbastanza alto in questo paese

The average salary is quite high in this country
  • Melodico (melodic)

Sono dei suoni molto melodici

They are very melodic sounds
  • Mensile (monthly)

Dobbiamo ridurre le spese mensili

We have to reduce the monthly costs
  • Mentale (mental/ psychological)

Fai troppi viaggi mentali

Your imagination flies too high

The expression “viaggio mentale” in Italian means daydreaming or imagining things. A lot of the time the contents of a “viaggio mentale” are considered to be not realistic or exaggerated, similar to the idiom “building castles in the air” in the English language.

  • Meraviglioso (marvellous/ wonderful / awsome)

I gattini sono meravigliosi

The kittens are awesome
  • Meridionale (from the south)

Non conoscono la parte meridionale dell’ Italia

They don’t know the southern part of Italy
  • Meticoloso (meticulous)

Abbiamo bisogno di una persona che faccia un lavoro molto meticoloso

We need a person who would do a very meticulous job
  • Il migliore (the best)

Quella ditta e’ la migliore che conosco

That company is the best I know
  • Millenario (millennial)

In questa foresta ci sono molti alberi millenari

In this forest there are many millennial trees
  • Minaccioso (threatening)

Non mi e’ piaciuto il suo tono minaccioso

I didn’t like his/ her threatening tone
  • Minerale (mineral)

Posso avere una bottiglia di acqua minerale?

Can I have a bottle of mineral water?
  • Minimo (minimal)

I salari minimi sono bassi

The minimum salaries are low
  • Minuscolo (minuscule/ tiny)

E’ un insetto minuscolo

It’s a minuscole insect
  • Miracoloso (miraculous)

Queste creme sono miracolose

These creams are miraculous
  • Miserevole (wretched / pitiful / miserable)

Aveva un aspetto miserevole

He/ she looked miserable
  • Misericordioso (merciful)

Era un Re misericordioso

He was a merciful King
  • Misero (poor / scarce / measly)

Si saziavano con un misero pasto al giorno

They would satisfy themselves with one measly meal a day
  • Misto (mixed)

Le opinioni sullo spettacolo sono miste

The opinions about the show are mixed
  • Mite (mild / calm)

Il clima mediterraneo e’ mite

The Mediterranean weather is mild
  • Mobile (movable)

Molti apparecchi mobili si portano durante la notte

Many removable braces are worn overnight
  • Moderato (considerate/ moderate)

E’ un ragazzo molto moderato

He’s a very considerate guy
  • Moderno (modern)

L’ isolamento termico e’ migliore nelle case moderne

Thermal insulation is better in modern houses
  • Modesto (modest)

Sei troppo modesta

You’re too modest
  • Mogio (dejected/ depressed)

Quel cane mi sembra troppo mogio

That dog seems too depressed
  • Molto (much)

Ci sono molte cose da fare

There re many things to do
  • Mondano (mundane)

Non si impegnano in queste attivita’ mondane

They don’t engage in there mundane activities
  • Mondiale (worldwide / world)

La popolazione mondiale sta crescendo

The world population is growing
Picture of a globe with the writing worldwide
Picture by Alexas_Fotos
  • Monotono (monotonous/ boring)

La lezione era molto monotona

The lecture was very monotonous
  • Montagnoso (mountainous)

Il centro di Creta e’ montagnoso

The centre of Crete is mountainous
  • Montato (pumped/ excessive/ presumptuous)

E’ un uomo simpatico ma un po’ montato

He’s a nice man but a little presumptuous
  • Morbido (soft)

I nuovi cuscini sono molto piu’ morbidi

The new cushions are a lot softer
  • Morboso (excessive / obsessive / unhealthy)

Ha un carattere un po’ morboso

She has an obsessive personality

Note: “Morboso” is a negative trait, and describes someone who is too passionate and develops obsessive and/ or unhealthy relationships with things and people

  • Moro (dark brown)

Tutti e due i bambini hanno i capelli ner

Both children have dark brown hair
  • Mortale (mortal / lethal)

Il veleno e’ stato mortale

The poison was lethal
  • Morto (dead)

Le foglie morte sono gialle, rosse o marroni

Dead leaves are yellow, red or brown
  • Mosso (rough, wavy)

Mi piacciono i capelli mossi

I like wavy hair
  • Multicolore (multicoloured)

Hanno due pappagalli multicolore

They have two multicoloured parrots
  • Musicale (musical)

E’ un esercizio sulle note musicali

It’s an exercise on musical notes
  • Mutevole (changing / variable)

Ha un umore mutevole

He/ she has an unstable mood
  • Muto (mute)

Rimaniamo muti

We won’t say a word

Note: the literal translation of this Italian sentence is “we’ll stay mute”

Concluding thoughts

Many of the Italian adjectives that start with M are similar to English, because of the common Latin roots between the two languages. This makes them easier to memorize for an English speaker.